16th Annual Pheasant Hunt
October 25, 2024
New Location: Max’s Grill, 2425 W Lincoln Ave, Olivia, MN
Two ways to register:
1. Complete our online form and pay with your credit card.
2. Print 2024 Pheasant Hunt Flyer and mail in with your check or bring the day of the hunt.
Entrance Fee:
Entrance fee is $50.00 and includes banquet and chances at door prizes. The price also includes FREE REFRESHMENTS, Appetizers and Meal after the hunt.
*** To be eligible for entry in the Early Bird drawing, your registration must be received electronically or postmarked by October 8, 2024***
Grand Prize: APF Valor .223 Rifle. Longest tail feather wins the Grand Prize.
Second Prize: Clam Thermal Hub House. Second longest tail feather wins the Second Prize.
Early Bird Prize: $100.00 cash (drawn at 6:30 pm)
*** To be eligible for entry in the Early Bird drawing, your registration must be received electronically or postmarked by October 8, 2024***
Many other great prizes to be given away!
Maps of public hunting areas can be found on the DNR website for the counties in which hunting is allowed. The pre-hunt rules meeting will be at the Starbuck Community Center, Starbuck MN at 8am. Hunting area is all public and private land (with legal permission) in the following counties; Big Stone, Chippewa, Douglas, Grant, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Pope, Renville, Stevens, Swift, and Traverse.
Kids are welcome!
Have questions?
Email info [at] mnfop23.com.
- Hunting Hours: 9:00 am to Sunset
- Deadline to Measure: 6:15 pm
- Banquet: 7:00 pm